Welcome back to Sunday Stadia Stats! This is the weekly blog post where we discuss Stadia player, game and community numbers. All the updated data can be found over at our sister site stadiastats.com.
As always, it is important to realize that these numbers are best compared against others in the new but growing cloud gaming space as opposed to well-established gaming platforms. Here are some of the numbers that interested us this week!
StadiaHunters is closing in on 2,000 Stadians listed on their achievement leaderboard!

Stadia continues to hold its own against other cloud gaming platforms in terms of the availability of games from the GFK Top 40.

Rayman Legends and FIFA 22 are both games released on Stadia in the last few months. Just checking in on their leaderboards (note that the FIFA 22 leaderboard size is the # of players higher than my own (0 games won) in the online Seasons mode).

Stadia Stats Community Milestones:
Here is a list of community milestones that we have a fun time celebrating.
- NinjaGuyX passed 200 subscribers on YouTube!
- Pedder Games passed 100 subscribers on YouTube!
- RalphHaley10 passed 1,000 follower!
- CrowRezin passed 100 followers.
Upcoming Milestones:
- The Official Community Forum will Pass 100,000 members!
- StadiaHunters.com will pass 2,000 names on their achievement leaderboard.
Stadia Positive YouTube Channels:
- Nerf Report will pass 10,000 subscribers!
- Markys, Crymen en la Nube will pass 5,000 subscribers!
- Meg Atron X will pass 2,000 subscribers
- LinkTV, The Klimax, Stadia Pro Gaming and Ray3473 will pass 500 YouTube subscribers
- DadPlaysGames, Blake Stadia, Original Penguin will pass 200 YouTube subscribers
Stadia Positive Twitter Handles:
- Markkys_, Bryant Chappel, SunnyCloudGaming, HashtagMediaGuy and FrStadia will pass 2,000 followers!
- Pedder_tech will pass 1,000 followers
- dom_whatarerice, TheStadiaLife will pass 500 followers
- Radrguy87, RJvXP, MalesurOnline, Bibbity Bop, Christopher Klay, StadianRacing will pass 200 followers
See you next week for another edition of Sunday Stadia Stats! Follow @jdeslip on Twitter for more midweek updates and to report any errors or suggestions.
Don’t forget to register for The Winter Community Championship on Stadia which starts February 2nd! Register here!